While the focus during a newborn session is obviously the adorable little squishy human who is only days old; mom and dad should have their moment in front of the camera as well! However, getting the new parents to be photographed can be quite tricky. Mom isn’t always feeling beautiful and dad may be camera shy. But, I like to remind my parents that their little baby is only this small for a fleeting moment in time and they will cherish having these beautiful portraits with their child for years to come. So, without further ado, today I’m going to share my top 3 favorite poses of new baby with dad!
Pose Number One: Baby Against Dad’s Chest
I love this pose for a variety of reasons. The first being that it really showcases how small your baby truly is. This will be the only time in your child’s life when he or she can literally fit in the palm of dad’s hand. Second reason I love this pose is it is best achieved when the baby is tightly wrapped in a gorgeous cloth. Wraps are amazing at keeping your baby calm but they also add that pop of color to any portrait. Prior to wrapping the baby, be sure to pick a color that will coordinate and compliment what dad is wearing. Being wrapped also means the baby is able to keep on a diaper, which means less mess! My final reason for loving this pose; babies can be awake or asleep for it! Either way, the pictures look adorable every time!
To achieve this pose, I have dad stand in front of a backdrop in my studio. I will then request that dad place one of his hands at belly-button level and then I will safely place baby on dad’s hand. I will then let dad know I will be slowly removing my hands from the baby but assure him I will tell him where to place his other hand. I then have dad place his other hand across the baby’s chest with the thumb placed behind the head supporting the baby’s neck.
Once dad and baby are safely positioned, I will then place my camera at a 45-degree angle from them. This will allow me to capture flattering angles of them both. To help dad feel comfortable having his picture taken, I will provide suggestions such as telling him to look at the camera and smile or to lovingly look down at his baby.

Pose Number Two: Close-Up of Baby Against Dad’s Chest
Keeping dad in the same pose as above, I like to then focus on the baby. This close-up creates a powerful, gorgeous portrait of a newborn being supported by the strong hands of their father. Depending on how close I get, I am able to capture just the bottom portion of dad’s smiling face which can really add a beautiful, emotional touch to the portrait.

Pose Number Three: Baby and Dad Nose-to-Nose
To create the nose-to-nose portrait, I have dad stand sideways from the camera to highlight his profile. The baby is then placed in his hands, and he brings the baby up to face, nose-to-nose level. Once the noses are together, I request that dad smiles while he’s holding his new baby.
What I love about this pose, is that you can see the love a father has for his child. The pure joy that is elicited on dad’s face while he’s close to his child radiates from portraits such as these.
And if you are lucky and the baby’s eyes are open, you can see the connection between the two. The intense but loving way they both look at each other elicits such an emotional response that any parent will cherish for years to come.

Newborn portraits are a wonderful way to showcase the tiny little details of your child. While the focus is on your baby; remember mom and dad can take an active role in the photographs as well. Capturing the parents, even if it’s just a few shots, will be loved and appreciated years to come when moms and dads look back trying to remember how tiny their child once was.
Candice of Candice Swanson Photography is an expert newborn artist located in Orange County California. If you are expecting a new bundle of joy and would be interested in having Candice capture your newborn photographers, please contact her here.
These are so cute and great ways to pose dad and baby,
Always options for sure! Dad’s and babies melt my heart!