Crying or Communicating? The A-Z Guide of Newborn Cries


I’ll never forget the first time I held a newborn during a photography session, and the little one let out a soft cry. It was such a delicate, raw moment. As a photographer, I was ready with my camera, but as a mom, my heart melted. That tiny voice carried a whirlwind of emotions, and I instantly felt this connection. It reminded me of my own experience—how overwhelming it was trying to interpret my baby’s first cries, wondering if they were hungry, tired, or just adjusting to this big new world. 

Every cry held a different story, and in that moment, during the shoot, I was reminded that behind every newborn photo is a journey of love, patience, and learning.

As a new parent, every cry feels like a stressful puzzle – is my baby hungry, tired, or just needing a diaper change?

It’s a universally shared challenge among parents – trying to understand the language of a newborn’s cries. So, in this blog post, we’ll explore:

  • The various types of newborn cries and their meanings
  • Effective techniques to soothe your baby
  • Tips to remain calm and composed when things get noisy

The Language of Newborn Cries: What are They Trying to Tell Us?

Think about your baby’s cry and their way of communicating! When you do, you’ll start to notice that not all their little cries are the same.

“I’m Hungry”

A newborn’s hungry cry is a low-pitched, rhythmic, and repetitive cry that sounds like “wah wah wah”. The cry is often accompanied by other signals, such as: 

  • Rooting for the breast
  • Sucking motions with the tongue
  • Lip-smacking
  • Putting fingers into the mouth 

The sound “neh” is created when a baby’s tongue touches the roof of their mouth, which creates a sucking reflex. The sound is similar to a lamb bleating. 

Other signs that a baby is hungry include: 

  • Moving fists to the mouth
  • Turning the head to look for the breast
  • Becoming more alert and active
  • Sucking on hands or lip smacking 

It’s important to respond to hunger cries immediately.

“I’m Sleepy”

A newborn’s sleep cry sounds like, “owh”. This sound is created when the baby yawns and exhales.

“I’m in Pain”

A newborn’s pain cry is high-pitched, piercing, and grating. It can start without warning and be long, loud, and shrill. The cry may be followed by a big pause, as if the baby is holding their breath.

“I’m Overstimulated”

A newborn’s overstimulated cry sounds similar to a tired cry, which is long and hard. The cry is usually not as loud as other cries and often staccato. Overstimulation can escalate to shrieking.

Other signs of overstimulation include:

  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Constant head turning
  • Flailing arms and legs
  • Turning their head away from you or other stimuli
  • Batting angrily at objects

To soothe an overstimulated baby, you can try:

  • Removing yourself from the environment
  • Dimming the lights
  • Rocking the baby
  • Shushing
  • Singing softly to them

If your baby is crying in a way that sounds different from their normal cry, and/or their crying is continuous, it may be a signal that they are in some sort of pain or discomfort.

“I am gassy.”

Often accompanied by the baby pulling up their legs or arching their back. This cry can sound grunty or strained.

Tips for Calming a Crying Newborn

Once you’ve identified the reason for your baby’s cry, you can start addressing their needs. 

Here are some tried and tested methods:

Skin-to-Skin Contact: Babies often find comfort in the familiar smell and warmth of their parents. Holding your baby close can offer them reassurance.

Dad soothing crying baby  in Huntington Beach California

Shushing Sounds: Mimic the noise of the womb by whispering a repetitive ‘shush’ close to your baby’s ear.

Swinging and Rocking: Gentle movement can be comforting for babies. Make sure their head and neck are supported.

Pacifiers: For some babies, sucking is soothing. If breastfeeding, it’s recommended to introduce a pacifier after breastfeeding is well-established.

Changing the Environment: Sometimes, a change of scene, like a dimly lit room or some fresh air, can make a difference.

Humming or Singing: Your voice is a familiar comfort to your baby. Softly singing or humming can be soothing.

I used to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star over and over and over again and rock in my great grandmother’s rocking chair to calm my daughter. 

Remember, each baby is unique. What works for one might not work for another. It’s a process of trial and error.

Attending to a constantly crying baby can be stressful. Remember to breathe deeply and take short breaks if needed. Sometimes, just stepping out for a few minutes to compose yourself can do wonders. Your calm will also help soothe your baby. is a voted the Best Mommy and Me Classes in OC!  Mind Body Baby is to create a community where families can be wrapped in loving support wherever they are on their journey to build a family.

It takes time to understand your baby’s cries fully. With love, patience, and practice, you’ll soon be fluent in your baby’s unique language!

Click HERE to receive this free guide to look at when you are in need!

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I hope reading Crying or Communicating? The A-Z Guide of Newborn Cries has given you some solid ideas! If you’re still looking for a  Huntington Beach Newborn Photographer, click here to see my portfolio of Newborn images.

Newborn Girl in grey swaddled in a heart shape in Huntington Beach California
  1. Mary says:

    Thank you so much for this blog post!

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