3 Reasons Why You Need a Professional Photo Album


When you hire a professional photographer to take your maternity or newborn photos, you are hiring a professional to give you a whole unique experience.  Working with your photographer shouldn’t just end with a gorgeous online gallery, it should also include a one-of-a-kind personalized photo album.  Keep reading to find out why I love photo albums!

3 Reasons Why You Need a Professional Photo Album:

Photo albums are a physical product

Holding onto a physical product, such as a book or album, creates emotions in many people. When you view the pages of a professionally curated album that houses those gorgeous photos, many people are taken back to the moment those images were snapped.   And for those moments that you are flipping through the pages, the emotions you felt on that day, tend to come flooding back.  Life gets hard and our memories fade but a physical product, such as a photo album will last forever.  And while our sweetest moments, those that we hold nearest to our hearts, tend to get a little fuzzy over time or sometimes can escape us altogether, a photo album can bring those memories back, especially when we need those memories the most.

Creating your own album is time consuming

When your photographer sends you a beautiful online gallery, you know those gorgeous images need to come to life somehow.  Let me be the first to tell you, creating a show stopping photo album is time consuming.  Most busy families don’t have the time to sit and dedicate hours upon end, creating that perfect book which is why purchasing a professional album from your photographer is an absolute must.  Your photographer was there when those images were snapped, and will know exactly which ones to select in order to create your perfect album that you will cherish for years to come.  And spoiler alert, since creating albums is probably part of their standard operating procedure, they can create a stunning product for you in less amount of time than you can!  So, save yourself the headache, and leave the design, creation, and execution to the pro!

Heirloom piece

Our world is a digital world.  Everything is quickly changing over to “online” or onto a digital space but a computer doesn’t last forever.  Your hard drive isn’t going to be passed down from generation to generation.  You know what is?  That beautiful photo album that you purchased from your photographer.  As the seasons of life change and as your family grows and ages, it’s that physical product that the younger generation is going to sit down with and look through.  It’s going to be that photo album that your grandchildren are going to flip through to see the younger version of yourself and the family so many years prior.  And trust me, the future generations are going to appreciate it having those albums because at some point in time, that may be all they have.

When you purchase a photo album from Candice Swanson Photography, you can be sure you are receiving a professionally designed work of art, that will last the test of time.

Interested in booking a maternity or newborn session with me?  Click here.

I hope this blog 3 Reasons Why You Need a Professional Photo Album gave you a few reasons to get a album printed!

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