4 Things to Consider When Choosing a Newborn Photographer?


You just found out you are expecting a new little bundle of joy! Now is the time to start thinking about how you want to capture these precious moments. Your little one will only be this size for such a short period of time, so it is important to capture this time to remember those small tiny details. Newborn portraits are arguably the most important photos you will ever have, so choosing someone to capture this time is very important.

Newborn photography is unlike any other genre of photography. The newborn photographer not only will be creating memories to last for lifetimes, but they will also be caring for your new baby while the session takes place. You want to ensure your baby is in the best hands. Here are some things to consider when choosing your newborn photographer. We hope that if you are located in Orange County, CA, you will choose Candice Swanson Photography for your Newborn Photography needs.

1. Safety

I am sure you have researched the best and safest car seat, strollers and cribs. Why wouldn’t you extend that same level of care when choosing someone who is going to handle your baby? Does your photographer do on going education classes to stay in the knowing of how to properly pose and keep your baby safe? Does your photographer do composite images? Composite images are always 2 or 3 images taken separately and then put together in photoshop to make one image to keep the baby safe . This is VERY important as a baby should never need to completely hold their own weight. Candice here at Candice Swanson Photography takes yearly safety newborn safety classes as safety of your newborn is #1 priority.

Keep reading this blog post below: 4 Things to Consider When Choosing a Newborn Photographer?

newborn safety 4 things to consider when choosing a newborn photographer

newborn safety 4 things to consider when choosing a newborn photographer

newborn safety 4 things to consider when choosing a newborn photographer hands

Hint – images like the one above should be created digitally. This is an example of a ‘composite’ image, produced by combining one or more photos.

2. Experience

You are handing your brand-new baby over to an almost complete stranger so make sure they know what they are doing by checking how many years they have been in business, if they take hands on education every year to learn about safety and lastly do, they have an education in photography. Candice has  8+ years of experience and her college degree in photography and takes safety courses yearly.

3. Style

Do you like their style of photography?

Every photographer has their own style just as you have your own style for your home.  There are so many different styles of newborn photography, and none is right or wrong. It is important to note what style you are drawn to and find a photographer that does it well. You could love the posed newborn style, lifestyle sessions, or even baby led posing.

During a posed newborn session, your sleeping baby is gently guided into adorable curled up poses, snuggly wrapped, and placed in cute props. This type of session takes a high level of experience from the photographer and generally lasts 2 to 3 hours. Make sure you really look at their website or social media to make sure you like their style and it goes with your home where you will be displaying the images.

At Candice Swanson Photography, Candice has created a space to get all those curled, wrapped posed images safely and designed specially for your home. 

newborn safety 4 things to consider when choosing a newborn photographer Huntington beach

newborn safety 4 things to consider when choosing a newborn photographer irvine ca

newborn safety 4 things to consider when choosing a newborn photographer westminster ca

4. Budget Experience

The cost for newborn portraiture can vary greatly. Some things to take into consideration are your location, session duration, the photographer’s experience, their level of training, and equipment used by the potential photographer

It is important to remember that newborn photographers put much more into a session than just the time spent with you. A photographer running a legal business with insurance, lots of training and other business expenses will almost always be more expensive. When booking your session, always remember, you get what you pay for.

If you are interested in booking a newborn portrait session in Orange County California CONTACT US today.

I hope reading 4 Things to Consider When Choosing a Newborn Photographer? has helped you think a little different about hiring a newborn photographer.

  1. Judy says:

    This is so great to see how all this is done safely

  2. My best friend just had a baby two weeks ago and she wants to get newborn photos done. Thanks for mentioning how it is important to choose a photographer that has a style that fits you since every photographer is different. I will help my friend find a newborn photographer that matches her personal style.

  3. Brandon says:

    This is such great information. Thank you!

  4. Megan says:

    Thank you for this information!!

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